What I've Learned from Season One

For The Curious,

There’s a quote from Seneca that I love.

“Hang on to your youthful enthusiasms... you’ll be able to use them better when you’re older.”

That’s the way I feel about my podcast as we wrap up its first season. Feels like everything I’ve loved and learned is just getting started with Big Questions.

I thought it would be good to look back on what Big Questions has taught me in a few short months. So this week’s episode is what I jokingly call my “Greatest Hits.”

There are stories and advice from the first ten guests. Kobe Bryant, Scooter Braun, Dr. Oz, Daymond John, Seth Godin, Alex Banayan, Randi Zuckerberg, Melanie Whelan, Debra Lee and, of course, the man responsible for all of this: Tim Ferriss.

All my life I’ve focused on being able to do what I want. It was Melanie Whelan, the CEO of Soul Cycle, who opened my eyes to what each and every one of YOU wants. You’re the ones who’re listening to me in New York, Paris, Hong Kong and beyond. 

I’d like to know who you are. I’d like to know who you’d like to hear interviewed. I’d like to know what kind of stories you’d like to hear. I’d like to know if you think my ads sometimes go over the top... or if they’re so different that you look forward to them…

Above all, let me say: Thank you for coming along on the journey.

This episode was also created as a sampler to introduce the podcast to people you care about. So feel free to pass it on. And tell them to let me know who THEY are!

If you’d like, send me an e-mail with a photo of where you’re listening to Big Questions. I’ll put all the photos in a fishbowl at the end of the year, choose one, and then fly out to buy you a nice dinner.

Big Questions

Ivan Brincat sent me a photo from Belgium. As it turns out I was just flying into Brussels and we were able to get together. We had an amazing meal at SAN. Only he wouldn’t let me pick up the check!

I promise to pick up yours!


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