Heather Monahan: On Creating Confidence

For The Curious,

I was thrilled that so many of you responded to my note last week asking what cities my

storytelling workshops should be held – because if I can do all those workshops in all those

places I’ll be taking another trip around the world.

Sounds great to me!

The first workshop will be held in Munich on July 5 and 6 th . It feels so right because

Munich was one of the first cities I visited when I started travelling around the world in the 80s.

It was October – Oktoberfest!


I’m sure the beer is going to taste just as good in July, and I hope to see you there.

Everybody is welcome at the workshop. But the focus is on businesses that want to tell

their authentic stories in the most compelling way.

We’ll be going over the rules of storytelling, so that when you need to tell your

business’s story, your product’s story, your customer’s story or your personal story, you’ll be

prepared. By the end of workshop, you’ll walk out with those stories polished and gleaming.

There are not many openings. Get your spot here before it fills up!

If you can’t get to Munich and would like assistance telling your company’s story, please

reach out to me.

Enjoy this week’s episode of Big Questions. My guest is Heather Monahan.

Chief Revenue Officer turned author of Confidence Creator and speaker. She’s like my sister

from another mother. And it wouldn’t surprise me when you get done with that podcast if you

find a burst of confidence surging through you. Because that’s what Heather gave to me.



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