Getting The Most Out of Your Life with Jeff Civillico

For The Curious,

This week’s podcast with Jeff Civillico is all about using your talents to get the most out of your life. Jeff has a show at the Paris Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas and has been named entertainer of the year by Vegas Inc. He has a skill that enables people to pay attention to him within three seconds – which is a superpower in this day and age.


I’ve been thinking about how to get the most out of my talents ever since my storytelling workshop in Munich earlier this month. It was amazing to me how 18 people from a variety of countries bonded over a day – and how in such a relatively short period of time I was able to pass on what I’ve learned about storytelling so that everyone could use it to improve their lives and grow their businesses. It felt like I was in a new place.

Then, when I returned home, I was surprised. 

One woman asked me if I’d stopped recording Big Questions.

What do you mean? I asked. It comes out every week.

She told me she had subscribed to the podcast a while back, but stopped receiving the episodes about six weeks ago.

So I wanted to reach out to make sure that everyone who’s subscribed has been receiving episodes when they are released every Tuesday.

If I’m going to try to use my skills to have the greatest impact, it starts with being able to reach the people who want to connect with me.

So please e-mail me to let me know if there has been any disconnection. Or e-mail me if you’d like to see a storytelling workshop in your area. I’m in the process of developing stronger ways of connection over the Internet. And that just might start with you reaching out to me. 

I hope it’ll lead to us clinking glasses one day.



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