Manchester: A Lesson in Triumph Over Tragedy



  • How to fight for the light in the darkest times.

Scooter Cal.jpg

For The Curious,

People often ask me: “What’s your favorite interview?”

Or: “What’s been your favorite podcast?”

It feels like a parent being asked: “Who’s your favorite child?”

I love them all the same for very different reasons. But when I asked myself about putting out a short episode, there was one segment that immediately came to mind.

It was the story of Ariana Grande triumphing over tragedy with her One Love Manchester concert. You can listen to her manager, Scooter Braun, tell the story here.

It was roughly a year ago when a suicide bomber killed 23 people and injured more than five hundred at Ariana’s concert in Manchester. The story of the benefit concert that Scooter put together in about two weeks to raise money for the victims is the definition of resilience.

Ariana Grande

One Love Manchester – its anniversary is June 4th -- is inspiration for anyone who needs to get past any obstacle. What Ariana went through and how she came out of it is a lesson for us all. And I encourage you to pass it on to anybody you know who is struggling and can use it.

This segment was pulled from one of the first episodes of Big Questions.

If you’ve just come upon this podcast, you might want to go back and hear the entire podcast.

Passing along messages like this is one of the reasons that I’m so glad to be doing this podcast. Receiving messages from listeners who connect with this podcast around the world is another.

If you’re up for it, send along a photo of where you listen to Big Questions. I’m creating a collage, and each time a photo comes in from New Zealand or Buenos Aires or Capetown or St. Louis, it makes my day.



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