Alex Banayan And A Great Moment From 2019

For The Curious,

Sometimes you see a video that goes viral and you’re captivated by it – but have no idea what was going on under the surface.

Until you ask about it.

The video that I’m thinking about was one of my favorite moments of last year. It involves my pal Alex Banayan.

I met Alex about seven years ago. He’d just dropped out of college to go after his dream. His dream was to interview some of the most successful people in the world to find out what they were doing when they were his age to launch their careers – and then write a book about the experience.

`I helped mentor him through that book. It’s called The Third Door. It’s now not only a best-seller in the United States, but as far off as Japan.

One of my favorite moments of 2019 occurred when Alex was speaking about The Third Door in August at a conference thrown by Dutch Bros. Coffee for thousands of its baristas. Just before the conference started, one of those baristas, Amanda Sanchez, found out that her college grant had been yanked away just as school was going to begin.

After hearing how Alex left school to go after his dreams, Amanda stood during a question-and-answer session to see what she should do. Should she borrow the money to continue to go to school to achieve her dreams? Or just go after her dreams?

The exchange would spark an amazing moment. Video of it would go viral and be seen by millions.

This episode of Big Questions takes a look at the little miracle that would follow.

May you have health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year!

Cheers, Cal

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