Sex Dolls and The Future of Relationships

Cal gets a glimpse of the future from psychologist Linda Papadopoulos as she breaks the news about life-sized robots now being manufactured to the buyers' individual tastes. These robots are built not only as the sexual partners of our dreams. They can be programmed to say what we want to hear, to read our expressions, and to respond in a way that will make us feel better. Not only that, but they can store information to enhance future experiences. Cal is still picking his jaw off the floor and pondering questions that come out of some of the takeaways.

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Great Takeaways From Big Questions

Cal opens the party to a lot of new listeners with takeaways from Kobe Bryant, Soul Cycle CEO Melanie Whelan, memory expert Jim Kwik, marketing guru Seth Godin, media titan Nely Galan, broadcaster Larry King and many others. The champagne is on ice . . .

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